Check These Out!

This page will continuously be under construction as I will continue to add more.  Please check back often.

I have not read ALL of these books yet, but all of these books come highly recommended.

Music Education:
Pathways, Joseph Alsobrook
Destinations, Joseph Alsobrook
Teaching Music with Passion, Peter Boonshaft
Teaching Music with Promise, Peter Boonshaft
Teaching Music with Purpose, Peter Boonshaft
Best Music for Beginning Band, Thomas Dvorak & Richard Floyd
The Artistry of Teaching and Making Music, Richard Floyd
On Teaching Band, Eddie Green
Tuning for Wind Instruments, Shelley Jagow
Developing the Complete Band Program, Shelley Jagow
The Creative Director, Edward Lisk
Teaching Music through Performance in Band (all), compiled by Richard Miles
Classroom Management in the Music Room, David Newell
Teaching Rhythm, David Newell
Shaping Sound Musicians, Patricia O'Toole (CMP)
Habits of a Successful Band Director, Scott Rush
Habits of a Successful Middle School Band Director, Scott Rush
The Conductor as Leader, Romona Wis

The Joy of Music, Leonard Bernstein
What Makes it Great, Rob Kapilow

Teach Like a Pirate, David Burgess
Culturize: Every Student, Every Day, Whatever it Takes, Jimmy Casas
Students at the Center, Benna Kallick & Allison Zmuda
Punished by Rewards, Alfie Kohn
What Does It Mean to be Well Educated, Alfie Kohn
What to Look for in a Classroom, Alfie Kohn
Creating Cultures of Thinking:  The 8 Forces We Must Master to Truly Transform Our Schools, Ron Ritchhart
Creative Schools, Sir Ken Robinson
The First Days of School, Harry Wong
The Collective Writings (so far) of Rick Wormeli, Rick Wormeli

Mindset, Carol Dweck
Innovator's Mindset, George Couros
Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell
David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell
A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink
When, Daniel Pink
Out of Our Minds, Sir Ken Robinson
The Element, Sir Ken Robinson

Talent Code, Daniel Coyle
Talent is Overrated, Geoff Colvin
Practice Perfect, Doug Lemov, Erica Woolway, Kate Yezzi

Grit:  The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth
Drive, Daniel Pink

Creativity Inc, Ed Catmull
Creating Magic, Lee Cockerell
Start with Why, Simon Sinek
Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek

Technology (music):  

Websites/Blogs to Follow:  
Chris Gleason:  Ignite Blog
Keith Ozsvath:  Teaching Music and More
Michael Linson:  Smart Classroom Management
Music Teachers Helper

Social Media: (coming soon)

My YouTube Channel: (coming soon)

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