About this Blog

The longer I teach music, the more I realize there is so much I still need to learn.  I know that I am not alone.   I am grateful to all of my fellow teachers who have been so generous with their ideas in the form of websites, blogs, facebook/twitter, or just answering questions.  We all benefit as educators when we share our keys to success.  After all, as teachers...it's not about us.  It's about our students.  Getting our students to succeed beyond their perceived limit is our ultimate goal and reward.

I have had the opportunity to share ideas with fellow teachers over the years.  It is beyond rewarding when I hear that an idea I suggested worked out well in the classroom.  I hope this blog helps give you an idea to try.  When I learn a great strategy from someone else, I'll make sure to give them props.

I hope you find something in these blog posts that can help you in your classroom.  Please feel free to contact me to let me know if you have suggestions on an enhancement to an idea presented here.  I'm like everybody else...I want to continue to learn from others' great ideas.

I have several passions when it comes to music education.  My biggest passion is Comprehensive Musicianship Through Performance (CMP).  As a member of the Illinois CMP Committee, I get to collaborate with incredible people who happen to be amazing teachers.

Though I hope to present ideas as "just good teaching," the ideas will often have connections to this incredible model of teaching.

If you are interested in learning more about CMP, please visit http://ilcmp.org and http://wmeamusic.org/cmp/.  Both the Illinois and Wisconsin CMP Committees offer summer workshops for graduate credit.  I like to think of it as Music camp for adults!

I am a firm believer that communication is key to our success both long and short term.  I am always looking for ways to better communicate information to my stakeholders--students, parents, colleagues, administrators.  As I continue to develop ideas, I'll be sure to share them on this blog.

I am currently investigating the best strategies for successful, rewarding Practice.  Practice, after all, is key to our success.  Several books have been written on the subject, as I digest them, I'll give my thoughts on how those particular practice strategies work in my classes.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog!


Rob Buckley

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